Much like still life painting, still life photography draws the viewer’s attention to consider everyday objects in new ways. You are in total creative control of every element including lighting, positioning, a sense of movement, and more. In particular, with a still life photo, creating a sense of movement allows people to fill in the blanks and “see” the movement, which creates part of your story. Movement in photography creates interest and engagement with your photos.
The purpose of this workshop is: to introduce elements to consider when adding a sense of movement to your compositions, to encourage experimentation with a variety techniques, and to deepen your visual storytelling abilities.
Audience: This is an Intermediate-Level Photography workshop. LSCFTA members familiar with their camera’s manual mode and exposure settings (ISO, Aperture, and Shutter Speed) adjustments are welcome to attend
Location: 49 S. Portage, Westfield, NY; Upper Floor, Innovation Studio
Registration required: Fill out the form below. You will receive an email confirmation.